Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tenney Reunion 2013

There a few places that take me away from the rest of the world and family reunion is one of those places. Surrounded by people I love and who love me, catching up, sitting back, laughing, smiling, and simply enjoying eachother's company. Sometime when I think about my family, it bubbles up inside of me until it all spills out as a smile that nearly lifts my feet off the ground. There is so much love in our family and I know that we're so close because we have Christ in our lives. He is the center piece of all of our lives and brings us even closer together.
This year we we're in the great state of Colorado once again! I used to never understand when people who came to Texas said they missed their mountains, but I'm starting to get it. They towered over us pressing into the sky, almost stretching it out and making the air thin. So thin that running down the road takes your breath away! And games of capture the flag leave you exhausted. :) We had lots of adventures with cousins, uncles, aunts, and siblings. Many tennis games were played, footballs were tossed, and mountains were climbed. Some rafted down river rapids, others ziplined over white water, and Everyone participated in the Tenney Olympics. As usual, there was a little talent show, and for the first time in five years there was the adored Tenney puppet show put on by no other than uncle Trey and uncle Kendall! After the fun filled week with the people I most love and adore, my gratitude for eternal families grows immensely! I know that families are forever. I know that a family that is centered on Christ will experience great happiness while on earth and the greatest joy in the next life. I like to think that the precious moments I share with my family here is a glimpse of eternity. :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Summer Smiles

Summer is magic time of year no matter how old you are. There's a sense of freedom and excitement mingled with memories from summers passed. I've already had some great adventures and summer is only just starting! I think there are a couple things that really make or break an adventure. First: attitude. Anything can be an adventure with the right attitude, but if you focus on the bumps in the road then you'll almost always have a lousy trip. Second: people. Often times you can't control who accompanies you on an adventure, but you can control how you treat them and that's a huge part of it! Each person you meet has a story, a divine purpose on earth, and can help open your eyes to more of the world.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

There's A First For Everything

I like trying new things and it's fun to experience new "firsts". If you think about it, firsts are pretty rare and special. How often do you get to do something for the very first time? Once! Unless of course you're doing multiple things for the first time... but you get the idea. There are firsts of all shapes, sizes, colors, and varieties, and they help add excitement to life. In fact, I'm experiencing a first today. This is my first time writing on my own personal blog! Yay! Something else about firsts: they're easier to find when you keep an open mind (10 points for the unintentional rhyme!). A lot of times, firsts are little things. Little things are what make up the big picture.
first peach blossoms this year