Sunday, November 3, 2013


"This world is a puzzle." I am completely certain that God has a plan for each of us, even if we can't quite see it yet. I feel like it comes together in pieces. Here a little, there a little. sometimes you get a whole pile of brightly colored and detailed pieces to the picture and other times you go a while without getting anything too terribly ground breaking. Still, on you go, finding bits and pieces. I think that God puts people in our lives at specific times to help us see more of the picture too. They come along and show you so much that you had no idea was even possible. Whether they stay for a short while or for a long time, they become part of your story, part of your picture. The trouble is, sometimes we think we know how the picture should look or how the story should go without help from the create orchestrator of it all. So we make mistakes and get a little lost, but He always stands with open arms ready to guide us. I personally have seen that when you trust in God, He can make your story better than anything you ever imagined. Everything will be ok in the end if you walk with the Lord. As you go through this life He will continually give you more pieces of the puzzle and things will fall into place exactly how they need to.