Saturday, March 21, 2015

My 40 Day Book of Mormon Journey: Day 8

2 Nephi 25-33

Sometimes things we don't understand today will be of great worth in the future. There are some things we will only understand at the right time. We need to hand it over to God. He's got it. Really. That's something I have been able to see in my own life and I know that when anyone takes the time to reach out to their father in heaven in prayer, they will see the same thing in a very personal way. 

Sometimes we allow ourselves to suffer under the weight of sin when all we need to do is hand it over to Christ. He WANTS to help. It is His work. Don't turn away from the help He freely gives. God's way is simple and beautiful even when our lives and the journey we are on are not. We are made alive in Christ because of our faith. Don't turn away. Don't choose the dark.

Being without the spirit is a very dangerous place to be. It is putting down your defenses on enemy lines. It is inviting the adversary to take control. We need to watch ourselves. We need to know where we stand.

Today in mission prep we got to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. At first I was nervous because I hadn't spent any time preparing for teaching, but as I looked at the concepts in Preah My Gospel, I saw that I have been preparing. By reading the Book of Mormon I have been immersing myself in the doctrine of Christ! The fourth article of faith says, "we believe that the first principles and ordinances of the gospel are first, faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, second repentance,  third baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, fourth the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost." As I read these chapters, I learned about all of these principles and ordinances. We can be made clean through our Savior Jesus Christ. Faith in Him allows us to feel of his grace and mercy. As we strengthen our faith we will want to follow the Savior and obey God's commandments. Following Him means we will have to change. We have at our disposal the beautiful gift of repentance which slows us to change and grow closer to God. Repentance should be a way of life. God stand ready to forgive all of us and help us on our way home. As we grow in this journey, as we desire to follow Christ, we will need to be baptized as He was. Following baptism we can receive the Holy Ghost as a constant companion in our lives. No matter where we are in our journey, we must press on. Press on in faith, with a brightness of hope! As I read, I was filled with a new resolve. I thought to myself, "this is what I want! I want to follow my Savior! I will follow Him!" It has been the most worthwhile endeavor of my life.