Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Virginia Summer Trip 2013

Here we go! Some pictures form our Virginia Trip of 2013! :)

Emmett and Massi running to Nana and Grandpa's house. Freedom!

Andrew overlooking the trenches of a Civil War battlefield. Makes you appreciate the comforts of home, huh?

Nana measuring Livi on the measuring door. She's growing like a weed! A beautiful weed!

Dash, Livi, and Zac enjoying a little lake time. 

Little Lilly and her (squished) slug friend. 

Livi, Erica, and Zac at the ice cream shop. Perfect for a hot day!

Zac, Livi, and Dash on the best climbing tree in town!

Zac, Dash, and Livi enjoying a story from Grandpa. He is one of the best story tellers you'll ever meet!

Emmett and Massi at Busch Gardens at the start of a long, fun day.

Emmett and Me on the Escape From Pompeii. We made it out in one piece and so did our shipmates! (See how happy the guy in the front is?)

Heather, Nana, Zac, Dash, Emmett, and Sammi having a little game night with Spot It! It takes a while to master, but these guys got it!

Livi on the backyard tree swing. She was our little jungle girl!

Zac on the tree swing in his Perry the Platypus PJs! 

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