Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Book of Mormon Journey: Day 3

1 Nephi 16-19
This quote came to mind while I was reading chapter 16 verse 2. Don't be afraid
to change. Christ can sanctify you if you will give your sins to him. Let them go.

1 Nephi Chapter 16
v2 There is good and evil in the world. The truth is that the wicked will be punished and the righteous will be lifted up... Being uncomfortable when we hear truth does not mean it is false. It means we have something to work on.
v3-5 Obeying God takes giving ourselves to Him. It means listening to truth and being willing to change.
v7-8 Marriage is of God and blessings come from doing things His way.
v20 Hard things happen and they are a time to be tested. Will we turn to God for strength or murmur against Him?
v28 The Lord will direct us if we are diligent and faithful.
v29 "By small means the Lord can bring about great things." I love this verse. It helps me understand that I don't have to see an earth shattering miracle to see the hand of the Lord doing great things in my life.
v39 Blessings come from repentance... It is like being spiritually fed.

1 Nephi Chapter 17
v3 Blessings come from obedience.
v13 Obedience helps us know God.
v19 The wicked rejoice in the pain of others. I have seen this in the lives of those around me. I feel like the root of this problem is envy. It then grows into hate and bitterness. I know that Christ can take these feelings away and help us heal if we will let Him.
v23-32 I love how real and undeniable the scriptures are to Nephi. He truly understands how they are meant to teach us of God's dealings with men.
v30 God gave the children of Israel ALL things they needed, but they hardened their hearts. How do we harden our hearts?
v35 God does not hold one man above another. He favors the righteous and blesses them. By disobeying God, we reject His blessings.
v36 The Lord created the world for us.
v37-38 He will bless and raise up the righteous, but must destroy the wicked.
v39 God rules the universe.
v40 God loves those who accept Him and one way He expresses this love is with covenants.
v41 God can heal us. Will we accept it? Will we set aside our pride?
v45 Are we swift to do iniquity and slow to remember God? Where do we face? Do we remember the things we have felt?
v47 I can identify with Nephi's pain in this verse. It is hard to wathc those you love make choices that will hurt them. Still, in those experiences the Spirit will teach you.

The Lord can be our best friend.
1 Nephi Chapter 18
v1-3 I love the description of Nephi's relationship with the Lord in these verses. Nephi worked hard and obeyed the Lord, and as needed the Lord showed Nephi what to do. I especially like how Nephi says that the Lord showed him great things as he prayed oft. I believe that, if we obey God and pray oft, He will show us great things.
v9 The words "forget" and "remember" always stand out to me so this verse grabbed my attention. WE too often forget what God does for us and that leads us to do things we wouldn't if we were focusing on Him.
v11 Sometimes God lets us suffer for a moment so He can show His power.
v16 After all Nephi went through he thanked the Lord. What an example of faith! His relationship with the Lord doesn't waver. He trusts God will provide.

1 Nephi Chapter 19
This chapter talks a lot about the importance of history and record keeping. It all points to the same main goal: persuading men to believe in and remember Christ. Nephi talks about applying all scriptures to his own life and what a blessing that can bring. I know that obeying the commandments and reading God's words give life an added measure of light and invite the Holy Ghost.

Tomorrow's Reading: 1 Nephi20-22, 2 Nephi 1-2

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