Sunday, February 8, 2015

My 40 Day Book of Mormon Journey: Day 6

2 Nephi Chapters 6-11

2 Nephi Chapter 6
v2 Jacob receive authority from God.
v3 The entire intent of his message is to help the souls of his people. It's not about personal gain. It's about being concerned for the welfare of another individual.
v3-4 THIS is why members of the church may seem "pushy' at times. We know what's at stake. We have an honest concern for those around us and want them to have the blessings that God is just waiting to give them.
v5 We can apply the scriptures to our own lives.
v6 The Lord sets the standard for us. He lights the way.
v7 Anything we go through in our efforts to follow the Lord will be worth it. We will be filled with joy. We will not be ashamed.
v10 The Lord's judgement is good.
v11 We receive the mercy of God as we turn to Christ.
v12 The Lord is true to His covenants. He requires something of us in return.
Doctrine and Covenants 82:10
v13 Why aren't we ashamed? We stand out and we're different so why aren't we ashamed? Because we know who we are waiting for! We KNOW He will come. We know His power and His love. The mockery of the world means nothing in the light of the gospel.

2 Nephi Chapter 7
I felt like this chapter talked a lot about how God will not abandon His covenant people. What a blessing to know that truth. Something else that really hit me in this chapter was the end. The last verse intrigued me. I looked at the cross references to find out more... What does it meant to "walk in the light of your own fire and in the sparks which ye have made?" I read in Deuteronomy 12:8 and Judges 17:6 and learned that it means doing whatever you decide is right- making yourself the ultimate standard. Going by personal whim. Where does this lead? This verse tells us that this will cause us to "lie down in sorrow."

2 Nephi Chapter 8
v8 God's righteousness and Salvation extend forever. He has everything covered. There is no trial of experience we could go through that would surprise Him. He has paved the way and knows every step each of His children must take. The journey is different for everyone, but the destination is the same.
v12-13 Don't fear men. They are not mighty. Trust in God who created the universe and knows all things.

2 Nephi Chapter 9
Wow there is so much in this chapter. Christ suffered death for all that all will be resurrected. That is His free gift to us. We all receive immortality. In order to receive eternal life and live in God's presence we must follow His laws. EVERYONE will have the chance to accept of reject Him. We must hearken to His voice. We must repent. We must be baptized. He really does have everything covered. Our mortal perspective only allows us to see so much, but God knows all things. He will take care of it.
I imagine coming to the Savior in tears and telling Him all my fears and worries. I can picture Him listening to every word then putting his hands on my shoulders and saying, "I've got this. I've been there. Follow me." Following the Savior has been and continues to be the most worthwhile endeavor of my life. It is not always easy because it requires me to change and change can be uncomfortable, but it is ALWAYS worth it. My growing knowledge has led me to act and to let Him change me. I know God will take His children by the hand and guide them along their path. He knows every step that His children must take to make it back home. He is patient. He is kind. He is our Father. He will never give up on us.

2 Nephi Chapter 10
We are free to choose! What a remarkable gift! The choice is ours: eternal life or death. What we may forget is that that choices we make every day take us a step closer to either one or the other. Through the grace of God we can make it.

2 Nephi Chapter 11
God lives. How do we know? We're here- living, breathing, feeling, thinking... Start with what you know and build from there. Take the simple truths that you even just WANT to believe and let that be the start of your journey. God will help you know Him. He loves you. Just ask Him. It may take some time to understand how He speaks to you, but when you hear His voice it touches your soul. Let Him show you.

Tomorrow's Reading: 2 Nephi Chapters 12-24

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