Friday, July 3, 2015

 Ok, I'm sure there's some kind of plan for my life, but I can't see it right now. I could use some direction. Or at least some comfort. I can't deny that I feel the Spirit. I do. I guess I'm just having trouble understanding what He's trying to say. I guess, for now, I need to just keep moving. Go forth with faith and a happy spirit. I realize that what's bothering me is just a small bump in the road.
Feeling alone... I don't really mind. Besides, I have my family I can talk to and plenty of people who are friendly with me.
Money issues... That's just a matter of me getting on top of things: calling mom, getting a job, budgeting. Not too bad.
Not knowing what in the heck I'm going to do with my life... That's ok. I'm right where I need to be and I'm doing good things. I'm learning a lot about myself and taking steps in the right direction.
I've got dreams I want to chase and I'm in an environment that can help me do just that. I want to go to Macedonia with Erica and her family in the Spring. I want to do a mission trip with Single Humanitarian Experience. Hey, maybe I want to do a study abroad! I want to start a business! I want to write a book! I want to experience life and love it!
There are a lot of things I want to do... and I don't feel like that's narcissistic. My heart reaches out to other people in little ways wherever I go so I feel like I will be able to touch the lives of others as I follow my dreams. Ok, cool. What am I waiting for? I have the power! (He-Man reference... Thanks mom.) Really though, I'm ready now. Let's get this show on the road. I know that God will bless me in everything I do if I turn to Him continually.
And here's a little inspiration. :)

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