Monday, July 6, 2015

My baby brother is now a year old! I can hardly believe it. So much has changed since I left for college. The little rascal even learned to walk without me. The nerve. I miss him everyday. Looking back on the day he was born and the weeks and months that came after, I see that he has changed my life. He made my life rich and beautiful and, quite frankly, worth living. Last summer I taught swimming lessons in my neighborhood in the morning and at the public pool about 30 minutes away in the afternoon. During the time between teaching, I would go home and pass out on the couch with Nolan in my arms. He was, and is, the love of my life.
Something amazing about that little boy is how he was able to bring our family closer together. Especially in the winter when my mom had her ankle surgery. She couldn't get up in the night to take care of him if he was crying so the rest of the family (me, my dad, and Andrew mostly) would take turns. Everyone pulled together in taking care of him. One of my favorite things in the world was to see Andrew scoop Nolan up, put him on his shoulder like a chubby parrot, and smile his little half smile as he walked off. I wouldn't trade the time I had with my family before leaving for anything. Little memories like that fill my heart.

I miss my family like crazy. That's not a bad thing, of course. How sad would it be if I didn't miss them? It's just hard sometimes. I've had to find other ways to fill my heart. While I was at home I learned that the best way to do that is by looking to God and looking outside yourself. It helps make life meaningful again. 
During this term I've been able to get to know a girl named Lauren. She uses a wheelchair and needs people to come help her with things throughout the day and I've been lucky enough to be one of those people. Honestly, I was nervous at first. I wasn't sure I could do everything that she would need me to do and I was worried about accidentally hurting her. After the first couple of times helping her by myself though, it wasn't hard at all. The more time I spend with her, the more I realize how much she has changed my life. She is someone who fills my heart. 
This past Saturday, on the 4th of July, Lauren, her roommate Jackie, and I went to the BYU men's soccer game and afterwards walked to a parking lot where we sat and watched fireworks. It was just wonderful! Lauren and Jackie are so sweet and genuine. I appreciate people like that. I really hope we'll continue to be friends. 

I feel like I'm on the verge of some great things in my life! I'm not sure exactly what they are, but I just feel like everything is going to be just fine. Angie, Sean, and Massi drove through Provo on Saturday and stopped to say hi. We went and had a 4th of July hot dog and I just enjoyed getting to spend some time with them. They're on the homestretch to California and it's just great to see how happy they are together. They have had more than their fair share of bumps in the road, but it has helped them get where they are. As we were sitting together, I had this reassuring feeling come over me that God really is there for us. He isn't going to leave us alone. Everything is going to work out.

Sean, Massi, Angie, and me after enjoying a 4th of July hot dog!
 Lauren, Jackie, and me after stadium of fire fireworks

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